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As announced last week, we have published an ADA version of the Max Labs PDFs for students at our Google Drive in this folder. The formatting of this version minimizes challenges for visually impaired students, but for now most students will prefer to use the original version as they find it more cosmetically appealing.

We are working toward a unified version that captures the best of both formats as soon as possible. But for now, we suggest making both versions available to students and letting them choose the ADA-compliant version if they find the original version visually challenging.

The original version is always found in this Google Drive folder (as before).

The ADA-compliant version is found in this Google Drive folder (as recently announced).

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We've just posted an ADA version of the Max Labs PDFs for students at our Google Drive in this folder.

Here's a screencap of the lab doc files in our Canvas directory with a green gauge by each one to signify it passed the accessibility check:

The files also pass the Adobe and Microsoft standards as well.

This version is identical in content; we just had to make some formatting changes to allow for compliance. But we are still hoping to make a unified single version that is compliant before long. In the meantime, students can choose either version.

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For those who have students working Lab 1a in class together, we created this optional instruction sheet for students to get their Salesforce accounts in advance of starting Lab 1a.

When many students are trying to get their accounts at the same time, Salesforce's account-generating server can get bogged down. In our recent experience, with 40-50 students in class, it was taking 5-10 minutes for students to receive the Welcome emails. But one or two took longer–as much as 15-20 minutes in one case.

If you're working 1a in the classroom, you may want to give students this instruction sheet so they just get their account in advance to avoid that issue.

Note: When students are working the lab as homework, on their own time, the account requests are not bunched together so the wait times should be shorter.

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