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These labs are flexible and can be used in different ways depending on your preferences. We have two sample syllabi to give you an idea of how you can use them in your course.


​The syllabus below splits the labs into in-class assignments as well as take-home assignments











This other syllabus incorporates the labs into the course discussion and uses them as in-class assignments. 


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1-Page Max Labs Intro for Students


This is a great tool for taking 10 minutes with your class upfront to introduce & orient your students to the labs. It's a 1-page Max Labs Intro for Students (pdf) where we consolidated everything we had put together to get students motivated and set for success:


  • What are the labs & why do them?

  • What is Salesforce? (including a link to our Max Labs mini-website of cool, motivating vids & pics)

  • Top 10 Reasons to Get Into the Labs

  • Top 10 Tips for Success

  • Top 4 Ways Things Go Wrong

  • Get Started


The Word version is also posted there in case you want to edit/tweak for your students.

Student Orientation Slide Deck

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Here are some slides (pdf) you can use to help intro your students:






















We also have Powerpoint version!


The latest version of all the lab materials for students can always be found in our Google Drive archive in a folder named Business Systems Innovation Labs V2. Within that folder, you'll find the seven files.


  • Pre-lab Packet

  • Lab 1a Packet

  • Lab 1b Packet

  • Lab 2a Packet

  • Lab 2b Packet

  • Lab 3a Packet

  • Lab 3b Packet


Each packet contains everything students need to complete that lab, including the cover sheet ("Pre-flight Checklist"), Max's blog posting/instructions, & Feedback Form).


(Note: We do ask that you please download them to your own LMS, etc first and then link them from there for your students so we don't get excessive traffic on our Google Drive. Thanks!)

NEW! Smart app automates grading & helps students fix errors

We designed this (free) smart app to automatically grade students' work, report any errors, and provide context-aware support for fixing them! Students get immediate feedback and any help they need to get to 100%. Scores are reported on watermarked digital certificates students submit for credit - instructors merely record the grades. Students love this app as much as the instructors do!

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MaxzPlace: Our Student Support Website



Here's a website to support students before, during and after the Max Labs:



First, there's a How, What & Why section for introducing, orienting and motivating students upfront, before they start the labs. There are tons of YouTube vids to showing how Salesforce spans Business functional areas (Finance, Accounting, Manufacturing, HR, ...) and how it's used by tons of big-name brands they know (Coke, Mattel, GE, Sony, Toyota, etc.) across all industries.


We've incorporated all the original Troubleshooting Quickref material (and more) into a new Help FAQ with a nicer, more friendly/usable format. There's also a Help Forum for posting issues not found in the Help FAQ.


Finally, there's a Go Beyond section to help them use what they learned in job interviews, etc. and to explore going for Salesforce certifications if they want to "dig deeper".


Test Question Bank 


The labs themselves are designed especially to be fun and enticing for students to do, and the fun materials here in the "Essentials" category are great "carrots" for helping motivate them, but it's probably good to use a stick too since some people just don't find carrots appetizing. 


We've developed a bank of test questions you can easily drop into quizzes and/or exams. Just knowing that the labs will be covered on exams should ensure the students are all doing their own work. If not, they'll lose credit this way and will be easily identified.


Members click here to view/download the Test Question Bank


Not a member yet? You can sign up on our Forum Page. This will also ensure that you receive critical updates via email.

Tip Sheet for New Instructors


This tip sheet gives a quick overview of Max Labs. There are links to our instructor support site, as well as one for students. 



Sample Syllabi
Lab Materials
Test Question Bank
Student Support Website
1-Page Student Intro
Student Orientation Slides
Tip Sheet
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