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The grader app has now been updated to account for the recent Salesforce Spring 24 Release.

Students installing now will be getting the updated version.

Students who installed before now (2/15/24) should uninstall the old grader and reinstall the new one now.

The uninstall instructions to share with students appear below.

Apologies for the hassles in the interim. Thanks for bearing with us!


To uninstall the Max Labs Grader app:

  1. Go to Setup

  2. Then, on the lefthand menu, go to Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages

  3. On the row for Max Labs Grader, click Uninstall

  4. Then on the page that appears, scroll all the way down and click Do not save ... and then in the popup click Ok

  5. Then check Yes, I want to uninstall...

  6. Then click the Uninstall button below

Soon you'll get an email from SF saying you uninstalled and when you reload the Installed Packages page, the Max Labs Grader will be gone.

Then you can install the Max Labs Grader app again normally and it will be the new version (v91).

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Last night, Salesforce applied the Spring 24 release to some of their servers, with the remainder to follow next weekend. The release includes a minor change affecting the labs, particularly the grading of Lab 1b.

In the new release, the name of the Marketing app, which we use frequently in the labs, has been changed to "Marketing CRM Custom" to distinguish it from some other new Marketing features Salesforce is introducing in this release.

From what we can tell today, students whose accounts have updated to the new release have been recognizing that the Marketing CRM Custom app is the one to use when the instructions say Marketing app. None of the other choices are close so it's not ambiguous. But we are scrambling a new version of Lab 1a that will clarify this across all the labs and we should have it posted in a day or two.

But, more importantly - in the meantime, the grader app is deducting 3 pts from Lab 1b (Checkpoint 1) for the updated accounts because it is not recognizing the Marketing app name change. We are scrambling a new patched version of the grader app which should also be ready in a day or two.

But for now, we are recommending instructors let students know that if their account shows the app titled Marketing CRM Custom, then they can only score 97% on Lab 1b, even when they do everything correctly. The grader will incorrectly list an error saying that the Pitch tab has not been added to the Marketing app.

We have addressed this in the Help FAQ at MaxzPlace. And we ask instructors to please interpret 97% as 100% for Lab 1b for these students. If a student has a 97%, it can be safely assumed they deserve 100% for now, until we get the grader app patched for this.

Thank you, as always, for your understanding and patience as we scramble to evolve the labs along with Salesforce. We will post updates as we make them.

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We've discovered that Salesforce's account generator can get overwhelmed when many students (50-100) request accounts at about the same time. And, unfortunately, after they click Submit the first time, the form generator quickly reverts the button back to a clickable Submit again, so students click it again making the server even more overwhelmed & slower, resulting in a vicious cycle.

Then when the server catches up, students wind up with multiple Welcome emails and multiple accounts with the same username, causing login and package installation chaos.

We're in talks with Salesforce to get them to resolve this issue and, while we await their resolution, we are scrambling a new version of the 1a instructions that will emphasize clicking Submit only once.

In the meantime, we recommend avoiding whole classes requesting accounts together and/or stressing to students that they click Submit only once, even if nothing seems to be happening. The Welcome email will come eventually, and it will come faster if they refrain from multiple clicks. And they won't wind up with a confusing mess of multiple accounts.

As always, thank you all for your understanding and patience!

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