Student Success: 260 Words = 0 Headaches + "Max" Learning
Getting these through to your students can prevent headaches & "max-imize" learning.
Top 10 Tips for Success:
ALWAYS read/follow every single instruction EXACTLY, in order. (You'll have no problems.)
ALWAYS read the Pre-flight Checklist BEFORE you start every lab. (3 min on what to look & look out for.)
DO NOT SKIP the Pre-lab and its Pre-flight Checklist. (5 min to set the stage for all the rest.)
ALWAYS read the story part BETWEEN the instructions. (That's where you get the CONCEPT learning.)
Allow 1:15 for each lab. (But you can stop, logout, & resume later on any device–just log back in.)
DO NOT go to the Salesforce homepage and get the 30-day trial account. (Just follow instructions in 1a.)
The 1b instructions tell you EXACTLY how to pay the lab fee. (Just follow them when you get there.)
If you get stuck, check the Troubleshooting QuickRef FIRST. (Still stuck? Go to http://tiny.cc/maxhelp.)
BE SURE your screencaps include your name, shown in the upper right of every screen. (Get your points!)
DO NOT use Yahoo! for your Salesforce account email. (They don't play nice–use Gmail, etc.)
Top 4 Ways Things go Wrong:
Quickly skim the instructions to get done fast. (You'll mess up & take way longer to fix.)
Skip the Pre-lab reading to save 10 minutes. (The rest will make little sense.)
Skip the Pre-flight Checklist to save 2 minutes. (You'll have no idea what you're learning or why.)
Skip the text in between the steps to save time. (You'll get credit but learn next to nothing.)

(Note: This list and the one below have now been incorporated into the student support site, MaxzPlace, and also in the 1-page Max Labs Intro for Students, along with a brief into to Salesforce, motivation for the labs, etc.)
Top 10 List for Quick Student Motivation
All they should need to be convinced - in 120 words/30 seconds.
Top 10 Reasons to Get Into Them:
They’re how you earn credit (get your points!)
They’re cheap (less than 4 Starbucks’ for the whole set of 6!)
They’re easy (anyone can do them – just read & follow directions)
They’re quick (about 1 hour each–IF you read & follow directions)
They’re fun (fresh story/blog format w/jokes included)
They’re super-helpful (learn more than you would ever imagine)
They’re on the exam (w/un-guessable questions)
They’ll help you get a job (IF you can tell what you did)
They’ll help you succeed in your job (IF you truly learn & can apply it)
If you don’t believe it check out: http://tiny.cc/powerofSF (2+ min)
(Note: This and the above lists have now been incorporated into the student support site, MaxzPlace, and also in the 1-page Max Labs Intro for Students, along with a brief into to Salesforce, motivation for the labs, etc.)
Giving Feedback Gets Students To Reflect/Assimilate
When we first launched the labs, we were collecting feedback from students to help us tweak the labs for corrections, clarifications, etc. but we soon discovered the most important benefit is to the students themselves!
For each lab, the form asks students to rate themselves on each of the learning objectives, estimating how much they knew before and after doing the lab. This gets them to reflect on what they did and only then they seem to realize how much they learned!
We find that this is key to them assimilating & instilling the new knowledge/skills and increases their retention and their satisfaction and we can send you the results from your students if you want to see them–just let us know in advance so we can add your name to the survey for disaggregating.
Update Note:
We have exciting news! Starting in the Fall of 2019, there will be a giveaway during every term! All students have to do is fill out the feedback form at the end of each lab to enter. It is one entry per lab per student. The prize this year is Apple AirPod 2!