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Lab 1b has been revised by moving the three steps from the top of the cover sheet (the "Pre-flight Checklist") into the instructions in the body of the exercise while preserving the original step numbering for the screencap deliverables. Only Steps 19-22 were affected so there are no implications for instructors using the updated version except that there will be no further complications for students working the labs outside the US.


Until now, students at universities outside the US, or those at US universities working from home countries outside the US during the Covid pandemic, for example, would fail to import MaxsPitchDataFile successfully, due to date format differences, unless they first changed their Locale setting to English (United States). These steps appeared at the top of the Pre-flight Checklist but were often overlooked. Embedding them in the standard steps instead will prevent this for these students.

The three Locale setting steps were collapsed into one and Steps 19 and 20 from the existing version were collapsed as well so most other step numbers are preserved, particularly the deliverable checkpoints but also the Help FAQ numbering so the overall impact is negligible, except for the benefit to students working outside the US.

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The recent Salesforce update to the verification rule error messages described in a recent post here precipitated a minor revision of the Lab 2a/b rubric which has now been updated in place on the Google Drive here.

Another minor clarification has also been made to the Lab 3a/b rubric, also now updated in place on the Google Drive here.

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Both Labs 2a and 2b have been updated with minor revisions to make them easier to follow and better for learning.

As always, those files already existing on our Google Drive have been updated in place. Here are links for your convenience:

Please distribute to all students still needing to work those labs to ensure they get the best experience. Thanks!

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